“Polish Blake: ‘William Blake: Dzieła zebrane (wydanie krytyczne)’”
paper presented at Global Blake (University of Lincoln & Bishop Grosseteste University, 11-13 January 2022), giving details of a project whose major aim is the translation into Polish and the publication in the form of a four-volume critical edition of the complete works of William Blake. The other aim of the project is the popularization of “Polish Blake” through the organization of two conferences (the first being an English-language international conference focused on translation) as well as by setting Blake’s lyrics (in Polish translation) to music.
“Blake's Jerusalem in translation”
talk (shared with Camila Oliveira) for The Blake Society at St James’s Church (London/Zoom, March 2021)
“‘I inhabited the land of Ulro long before Blake taught me its proper name’: Czesław Miłosz’s Ziemia Ulro”
paper presented at Blake in Europe (London, Tate Britain, September 2019)
“'Surrounded by kneeling crowds': Prayer in the Poetry of Wordsworth”
paper presented at the 47th Wordsworth Summer Conference (Rydal, Cumbria, August 2018), providing a summary of the conclusions of the monograph The Presence of God in the Works of William Wordsworth on the subject of prayer
“The Child vis-à-vis God in Wordsworth’s Poetry of the Remembrance of Things Past”
paper presented at the sixth international conference From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria (Warsaw, September 2017), expanded and published under the title of “The Child vis-à-vis God in the Poetry of William Wordsworth” in From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture (vol. 6, ed. Grażyna Bystydzieńska and Emma Harris, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2018)
“Of Wordsworth’s Prelude, his Death at Twenty-Eight (or Thirty-Five), and of His Life after ‘Life’”
paper presented at the 45th Wordsworth Summer Conference (Rydal, Cumbria, August 2016), an experimental critical reflection on the revisions of The Prelude conducted in the Gothic convention
“The Growth of ‘the Poem on the growth of [the Poet’s] mind’: Wordsworth’s Preludes”
paper presented at the fifth international conference From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria (Warsaw, September 2015), published under the same title in From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture (vol. 5, ed. Grażyna Bystydzieńska and Emma Harris, Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Ośrodek Studiów Brytyjskich, 2016)
“Authenticity and Imitation in Wordsworth-Coleridge Relation”
paper presented at an international conference Authenticity and Imitation in Translation and Culture (Warsaw, May 2015), published as “The Birth of the Poet: The Role of S.T. Coleridge in the Making of ‘William Wordsworth’” in Culture(s) and Authenticity: The Politics of Translation and the Poetics of Imitation (ed. Agnieszka Pantuchowicz and Anna Warso, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2017)
“From Voices in the Night to ‘the choir of the day!”
paper presenting work-in-progress on the Polish reception of the poetry and art of William Blake, given at the conference-colloquium for participants of the project The Reception of Blake in Europe (London, Tate Britain, June 2014), eventually published in its expanded and developed version as Chapter 17 of The Reception of William Blake in Europe (ed. Morton Paley and Sibylle Erle, series The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019)
“Mending the Broken ‘Golden String’: on Translating William Blake’s Jerusalem (into Polish)”
paper presented at an international conference Translating Myth (Colchester, University of Essex, September 2013), published as “Unweaving the National Strand of the ‘Golden String’ of Jerusalem: Blake’s English Myth and its (Polish) Translation” in Translating Myth (ed. Ben Pestell, Pietra Palazzolo, and Leon Burnett, Cambridge: Legenda, Modern Humanities Research Association; New York: Routledge, 2016)
“The Catholic Religion in Wordsworth’s Prose, Talk and Verse”
paper presented at the fourth international conference From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria (Warsaw, September 2013), published as “‘They call it the ‘Nun’s Well,’/ Name that first struck by chance my startled ear:’ Catholicism in Wordsworth’s Talk, Prose and Verse” in From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture (vol. 4, ed. Grażyna Bystydzieńska and Emma Harris, Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Ośrodek Studiów Brytyjskich, 2014)
“Blake’s Light and Shade Effect, or: The Fearful Symmetry of ‘The Lamb’ and ‘The Tyger’”
paper presented at the third international conference From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria (Warsaw, September 2011), subsequently developed into two independent articles, “The Blacksmith Who Framed a Tiger Within the Fearful Symmetry of ‘The Tyger,’” focused on the history of the Anglophone critical reception of Blake’s poem, published in From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture (vol. 3, ed. Grażyna Bystydzieńska and Emma Harris, Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Ośrodek Studiów Brytyjskich, 2012), and “‘Did he who made the Lamb make the… Tyger’?,” published in Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly (48.2, 2014)